Rabbi Deborah J. Brin • Pastoral Counseling & Spiritual Coaching
©2024 Rabbi Deborah J. Brin — Mishkan of the Heart
My spouse and I live in a beautiful section of
Albuquerque called the 'north valley'.
We are very grateful to live in our quiet neighborhood
with lots of wild life, including song birds, raptors,
road runners and sandhill cranes in the winter, as well
as coyotes, racoons, skunks and squirrels. I have a
hobby as a backyard birder and love watching the
birds that come to our feeders.
I have had a wonderfully varied career serving in
rabbinic, pastoral and chaplaincy positions in many
settings. As a life-long Jewish professional, I have
had the privilege of engaging in inter-faith work with
other clergy, teaching about Judaism in Church and University settings, counseling those who are
developing or deepening their spirituality, listening to and assisting those in crisis situations, and
encouraging and teaching those who are exploring Judaism as a life-path. I love making Judaism
accessible and meaningful for people. It is an honor to be invited to fashion personalized ceremonies for
people of all ages, gender identities, and intimacy constellations.
I was among the first 100 women to be ordained as a rabbi in the United States. I led the first women’s
prayer service at the Wall in Jerusalem, in 1988, and it was because of what we did that day that the
Israeli government made it illegal for a woman to sing aloud, wear a tallis (prayer shawl) or read from the
Torah at the Wall. More than thirty years later, the Israeli government and Women of the Wall are still
trying to work out a satisfactory way for women to pray, sing, wear a tallis and read from the Torah at
the Wall.
Among the first generation of lesbian rabbis, I have served congregations in Canada and the U.S. and
have held chaplaincy positions at a college, a hospice, and at a Jewish life-care retirement community.
Wherever I have gone and however I have been employed, my dedication to Judaism is contagious. I help
Jews find their own gateways back to their heritage and welcome their non-Jewish partners, friends and
extended family with friendly explanations of our ways.
Originally from Minneapolis, MN, I was ordained by the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College in
Pennsylvania in 1985, and that same year received a Master’s degree in Pastoral Counseling from LaSalle
University. I have been honored to study with wonderful teachers and colleagues, among them Rabbi
Zalman Schachter-Shalomi,z’l, Rabbi Rebecca Alpert, Rabbi Sheila Weinberg, Rabbi Shefa Gold, Sylvia
Boorstein, my parents, Ruth F. Brin, z’l, Howard Brin,z’l, Dr. Judith Plaskow and the members of B’not
Esh, a Jewish feminist spirituality collective founded in 1981.
Please contact me if I can be of service to you or someone you know.
“Whether in times of joy or sorrow, Rabbi Brin is able to address
individuals’ needs while incorporating the divine, thus bringing a
depth of holiness that would be otherwise unreachable.
I am profoundly grateful for her exceptional skills,
knowledge and deep humanity.”
—Sara Koplik, Ph.D.
Director of Hillel at UNM
Rabbi Deborah J. Brin
Albuquerque, New Mexico • Pastoral Counseling & Spiritual Coaching
With Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi, z’l, January 2006